About Us
About Us
The Chamber of Construction Industry of Sri Lanka, (CCI) was initially established in 2001, as a company by guarantee to represent the institutions, organizations and companies comprising the local construction industry. Later on 18th November 2019 it was statutorily established by the Chamber of Construction Industry of Sri Lanka (Incorporation) Act, No 23 of 2019 as the apex representative body of all stakeholders of the local construction industry. Having recognized the lacuna due to the lack of a well compiled dedicated Trade Directory for the construction sector, the CCI commenced publishing this Construction Industry Trade & Business Directory in 2006. Last issue was the sixth publication of this directory and the earlier publications were released in 2006, 2008, 2013, 2015 and 2017.
The Sixth Publication of the Directory, Intended to be used during the years 2021 – 2022 was more comprehensive than earlier issues and comes with many new features. For easier location of the company offices, the Directory has included the QR codes of companies. The Directory was distributed free among all the CIDA contractors in grades CS1, CS2 and C1 – C5, apart from key institutions and leading consultants in the construction sector. The Directory was uploaded on to the dedicated website of www.constructiondirectory.lk and the website of CCI, www.ccisrilanka.org , as a web directory with an advanced search facility. With this new feature, apart from being the only Trade Directory specially targeting the construction sector, it will be one of the few web based directories in our country. Another, novel feature introduced is the facility to replace the artwork of advertisements on a monthly basis in the Web Directory.
Now CCI has decided to discontinue the printed version of the directory and to continue only with the web directory. CCI earnestly wish that this Web Directory will be of immense use to all the stakeholders of the construction industry including consultants, constructors, statutory agencies, materials manufactures and suppliers, home builders and others.
We very much appreciate the cooperation extended by all those who have advertised in this Directory. Without their support this Web Directory to us would not have been possible.

Eng. Nissanka N. Wijeratne
Secretary General/ CEO

Tel : +94 11 266 77 00 (Hunting)Fax:+94 11 266 77 13 Email : ccidirectory@gmail.com